Stone Therapy Massage Part 5

Stone Therapy is such healing effect is large, actually, I'm not that anyone may have received.

Since it is said if you are suffering from a disease that way, such as: Stone therapy is not suitable, it would be better to refrain from a good practitioner.

For example, people with thyroid disease, people who have kidney disease is no good.

Diseases, heart disease and high blood pressure, then, some people with diabetes is no good.

It is a matter of course, those who have a fever, who are suffering from infectious diseases, influenza is useless even better.

Then, by stone therapy, because there is also a possibility that symptoms get worse, people who have skin diseases, should not receive would not hurt.

Who care about their symptoms or applicable, please consult to receive from the staff before treatment.

Then, when I received the stone therapy, I can not really recommend that incorporated in the tight schedule, subject to treatment.

Because, after the stone therapy is finished, there are some people who are out of languor.

Some people seem to be some people that refreshing massage, body becomes sluggish, which I have a personal difference, it is evidence that both effects have come.

Especially those who, sluggish, and feel a little upset, reaction and purification of the stone is considered.

Rather than go back to work, after the stone therapy is finished, it is a good idea to be able to slow or with a cup of tea somewhere, like to spend slowly in your schedule.

Because it is time healing pains, Why I do not plan on a holiday, will try to receive the treatment of stone therapy slowly.