Stone Therapy at home Part 2
There is a stone in a variety of sizes as well, but you do something simple, some small for the hands.
Just put in the palm of your hand, so accumulate Oh, I'm very easy.
After that, there is also a somewhat smallish stone for stone and pinch type of put on the back, between the fingers and the finger.
Also look at Internet prices are various.
It is, so the price will vary on the type of stone, please look carefully.
During the summer months, it is also good, such as Stone Cold.
Would you like a hot summer, but it is perfect to cool off, there is a feeling that the stone is cool, but it is eco touch.
Such as marble, especially because it is cold even at room temperature, it is a very eco-friendly stone.
Well as pleasant, Cold Stone, so can also be used to tighten the skin, and used to cool the skin and fiery, squeaking tighten the pores, it is a lot of things I could use to.
Unlike normal Beauty Products, Stone stone therapy, but it is also attractive, where that can be used semi-permanently.
In addition, as the natural basalt hot stone is famous, in recent years, are also popular Lastone artificial charcoal.
Lastone charcoal, particularly those that are present, it has become suitable for the stone to stone therapy.
The material is used as a raw material to clay it, what mineral rich soil of the island of Indonesia.
In addition, the use of structure with the ceramic, it refluxed in stone its ceramic state, the gas plant carbon, the carbon deposition, it is made of stone.