Stone Therapy Part 3

When I think moxa, since it can leave its mark on the skin, and women who feel like this particular demerit points.

That point, if you're looking stone therapy, it is only a good thing.

Can not withstand the heat of about, I do not have, of course, do not stain remained on the skin, I will not even bother smell further.

You can spend that time comfortably anyway.

Stone therapy as a method, place the pot in a pin-point that is in the body, pre-warmed stone.

It is not the heat of the stone, to stimulate the pot, and continue to improve the physical condition.

It is said that because it would say why, and how popular gathered to stone therapy like this, our body temperature, and at the present time there is a problem.

I heard on the books, such as the contents of the book to become a best selling health and raise the body temperature to prove it once.

And I often hear of people who today hypothermia that are on the rise.

We, in the life of modern convenience, the power to regulate their own body temperature or would not have come to decline gradually.

The reason is that the temperature may have been wrong in abnormal weather.

Also that the unusually hot summer has become, I think one of the reasons you have not go with our thermoregulation.

In addition, the home appliances useful feature is up, much work or in a cool place in the summer, winter or too warm room.

I think the temperature difference between the outside life in violent place, and has to do with this as our body temperature.