Stone Therapy Part 2
For example, it is stone therapy.
About you, have you ever received a Stone Therapy?
Literally, stone therapy is a method of healing with stones.
Those who experience such as bedrock bath, but I think you can see, it was lying on the stone is warm is not it very pleasant.
A long time ago I was in elementary school, around the pool, lying on the warm concrete?
For the body, that had cold swim, concrete're warm, the feeling is not it is very good.
Everyone, I think there is such experiences.
I think the shape is also different stone therapy, that you're trying to do is like the same, to become a kind of hyperthermia.
For example, a long time ago, there was a way to put a jar of the body is called "moxa" Well, the rush was heated, and heal the sick.
I think it has made it easy, or Sen'nenkyuu, temporary, moxibustion that has been processed to make it as easy to use has become a boom.
At the time, I was using Sen'nenkyuu well, but is a very comfortable thing, and that there was also a little too hot, that smell is worrisome.
About you, what have you ever experienced the coals?
It is to stimulate the pressure points in the world, and heal the disease, Oriental medicine has been carried out for granted.
Some people feel that a good thing for the body to be sure, but also I think moxa, and can not stand hot enough, then some of them will come, if unbearably hot, there is also the possibility of burns.